
12 August 1972: TV Action + Countdown

12 August 1972: TV Action + Countdown

This issue of TV Action + Countdown featured the final instalment of long-running Dr. Who serial The Enemy from Nowhere (script Dennis Hooper, art Gerry Haylock). The Doctor prevents the reverse-matter Zerons from nuking Earth.

In his Doctor Who Comic Strip Companion, Paul Scoones describes this as ‘An astonishingly mature and serious-minded story … outstanding for its time … The strip has seldom been more alarming on a real-world level.’

Kids’ comics at their best don’t patronise their readers.

The centre pages were occupied by a reprint (from a TV Century 21) of a 1967 Captain Scarlet adventure, drawn by Ron Embleton.

The funnies were reserved for the back page: Hanna-Barbera’s Autocat and Motormouse, drawn by Peter Ford.

13 August 1983: Nutty

13 August 1983: Nutty

11 August 1979: Misty

11 August 1979: Misty