On this day, 12 May 1984: Scream!
Cover artwork: Steve Dillon
'Beware the Werewolf' was a one-off Library of Death story in Scream!, written by Simon Furman and drawn by the superb Steve Dillon. This issue is notable also for a terrific Ian Gibson imagining of editor Ghastly McNasty's dungeon. While Tharg and his droids produced 2000AD from the heights of London's King's Reach Tower, Ghastly and his goblins conjured foul works in the building's depths.
Library of Death: Beware the Werewolf: Simon Furman (writer), Steve Dillon (artist)
Library of Death: Beware the Werewolf: Simon Furman (writer), Steve Dillon (artist)
Library of Death: Beware the Werewolf: Simon Furman (writer), Steve Dillon (artist)
Library of Death: Beware the Werewolf: Simon Furman (writer), Steve Dillon (artist)
Poster artwork: Ian Gibson