On this day, 15 May 1976: Battle Picture Weekly
Cover artwork: Carlos Ezquerra
On this day, 15 May 1976 ... 'He's called Major Eazy, an ex-long range desert group man who now commands a British platoon in Italy. He's a man who goes to war in his own car with his own deadly weapons. He's an officer unlike any other, because if the fighting gets dirty - he fights dirty!'
There's a return to Battle here for one of its most popular loners – and one of its most enduring, as the louche spirit of Eazy lives on in the form of Cursed Earth Koburn in the Judge Dredd Megazine to this day (he's a major player in the latest Dredd saga). Major Eazy is great fun, a story that transcends the need for an interest in war. Eazy has a particularly IPC nature – quick to action and violence, complex and morally ambiguous yet written with a knowing humour. Alan Hebden and Carlos Ezquerra created a memorable character, although a cool, cigar-chewing nod should also be aimed in the general direction of actor James Coburn.
Look out below for Mike Western on The Team that went to War, Massimo Belardinelli on Rat Pack and Pat Wright on The Eagle Flies East. War never looked so good.
Major Eazy: Alan Hebden (writer), Carlos Ezquerra (artist)
D-Day Dawson: Gerry Finley-Day (writer), Joe Colquhoun? (artist)
The Team that went to War: Mike Western (artist)
Rat Pack: Massimo Belardinelli (artist)
Rat Pack: Massimo Belardinelli (artist)
The Eagle Flies East: Chris Lowder (writer), Pat Wright (artist)
The Bootneck Boy: Giralt (artist)