On this day, 14 May 1983: Tammy
Cover artwork: Santiago Hernandez?
On this day, 14 May 1983 ... A colourful cover here (by Santiago Hernandez? If anyone can identify the artist I'd be grateful) and a reminder that I ought to get out and do some gardening this weekend instead of leafing through comics. It takes over, this blogging life. Tammy 1983-style carries some good stuff. There's strong storytelling in the ongoing serials as Pam of Pond Hill takes on school skinhead bully Charlie Dobbin, and an intriguing mystery developing in Different Strokes, the tale of twins for whom the keeping of a big secret seems to be causing tension and rivalry. Even Bella – not my favourite story on the basis of various episodes from over the years that I've seen – seems more interesting than usual, as the impoverished gymnast rescues her mysterious coach, 'Masked Marda', from a burning house.
I think I've mentioned this before but I still find it surprising to see the printing of readers' full addresses on the letters page. Clearly there was a fashion for pen-palling at this point, but a more entertaining sign of the times is the bands that Tammy’s readers were interested in: Duran Duran, Toyah, Depeche Mode and Modern Romance. We’ve moved on a few years from the Bay City Rollers and Davids Cassidy and Essex. Wot no mention of Sweet Dreams, UK’s 1983 Eurovision hopefuls?! Nor even eventual winner, Luxembourg’s Corinne Hermes?! Tammy readers knew best.
Bella: Primrose Cumming (writer), John Armstrong (artist)
Different Strokes: Charles Herring (writer), Santiago Hernandez (artist)
A Pony Tale: Slow-coach: Marianne Nichols (writer), Tony Coleman (artist)
Purse of Gold: Hugo D'Adderio (artist)
Pam of Pond Hill: Jay Over (writer), Bob Harvey (artist)
Here Today ... Gone Tomorrow: Chris Harris (writer), Phil Townsend (artist)
Here Today ... Gone Tomorrow: Chris Harris (writer), Phil Townsend (artist)
The Secret of Angel Smith: Jay Over (writer), Juliana Buch (artist)