On this day, 15 June 1974: Buster
Buster’s Dream World: Angel Nadal (artist)
On this day, 15 June 1974 … ‘Terrific news, pals – see inside!’ There’s a slight difference in tone between a lead comic’s announcement of a forthcoming merger (a nonchalant ‘Oh, I nearly forgot to mention – Cor!!’s coming over to stay for a few days … but don’t worry, we won’t let him stay for long.’) and that of the title being subsumed (a rictus-grinned ‘Great news, chums – we’re being evicted but Uncle Buster’s going to let us stay at his … for a while, anyway.’). And so Buster revealed news of its latest masthead-share, and the imminent arrival of various strips from Cor!! including a couple – Ivor Lott and Tony Broke and Chalky – who would become reader favourites for many years to come. Among those stories to make their swansong in this issue was the epic Galaxus serial beautifully drawn by Solano Lopez. The huge, furry, friendly alien appeared to end his plight by careering off the edge of a cliff, but all was well as this was a giant wax dummy designed to mislead the Australian authorities and leaving Galaxus and his dashing young pals Jim and Danny to share their island paradise together alone.
Sammy Brewster’s Ski-board Squad: Scott Goodall (writer), Joe Colquhoun (artist)
Clever Dick: Leo Baxendale (artist)
Pete’s Pocket Army: Tom Tully (writer), Solano Lopez (artist)
The Kids of Stalag 41: Fred Baker (writer), Tony Goffe (artist)
Nellyphant: Leo Baxendale (artist)
Faceache: Ken Reid (artist)
Fishboy: Scott Goodall (writer), John Stokes (artist)
Galaxus: Solano Lopez (artist)
Galaxus: Solano Lopez (artist)
The Happy Family: Reg Parlett (artist)
Blarney Bluffer: Angel Nadal (artist)
Charlie Peace: Jack Pamby (artist)
Sam Sunn and his Daft Dog Bonehead: Reg Parlett (artist)
Buster’s Dream World: Angel Nadal (artist)