
Action, 21 August 1976

Action, 21 August 1976

 A day of reckoning was approaching for Action comic at the end of the summer of ’76. Bloodthirsty covers like this one probably contributed to public outcry that led to it being withdrawn from distribution in October. But what an exciting time to be a reader!

Art by Carlos Ezquerra, I think.

Killer shark Hook Jaw was the main attraction. Big fish bounty hunters descending on a luxury island, chasing the $10,000 price on the Great White’s snarling head. Carnage on the high seas, realised here in glorious fine-lined gore by Felix Carrion.

The captions are tiny and hard to read, but these edited highlights will give you the gist:

‘That statement will bring every dollar happy bum in the world to this island.’

‘You want I should shut him up, Doctor?’


‘The jaws … No!’

‘I’m gonna ram this boat right down his evil throat!’

The letters page of this week’s Action give us a fun look back at days long lost. Here’s a record of when smoking while playing football became a bookable offence, and a great idea for livening up a sausage and mash supper.

Finally, this gives me an opportunity to post the couple of short videos I made last year about the Action ‘sevenpenny nightmare’ controversy:

The Dandy, 22 August 1970

The Dandy, 22 August 1970

Bunty, 20 August 1983

Bunty, 20 August 1983