Cover date 4 April 1970: Sally
Masie’s Magic Eye: Robert McGillivray (artist)
Sally was a comic that ran from 1969 to 1971, and seemed to be aimed at girls aged maybe 10-14. A comic that wants to be a magazine. The stories were intelligent and adventurous, often girls or young women taking on the adult world.
As a turn-of-the-decade comic Sally shows IPC adapting to changing times and a changing audience. The readers’ letters have a bit of attitude to them; the editor’s replies are still a bit patronising but less distant and stuffy than comics’ voices had been before now.
IPC launched Tammy in 1971, rapidly taking over Sally and her readership. It had a more streetwise tone, positioned from the audience’s level. But I think Sally was an important evolutionary link between matriarchal School Friend-style girls’ comics and Tammy and all that followed.
Sally’s stories and artwork are mostly excellent quality. Samples here from The Ghost Hunters (art Robert Hamilton), The Cat Girl (art Giorgio Giorgetti), The Silent Shadows (creators unknown), and Coral Island Nurse (artist possibly Shirley Bellwood).
The Ghost Hunters: Robert Hamilton (artist)
The Cat Girl: Giorgio Giorgetti (artist)
Coral Island Nurse: creators unknown (artist possibly Shirley Bellwood)
The Silent Shadows: creators unknown