On this day, 10 April 1976: Valiant joins Vulcan
Cover artwork: Carlos Ezquerra
This one’s a funny sort of merger. Valiant was entering the final six months of its fourteen-year run, reinvigorated to an extent (but probably not enough) under the recent editorship of John Wagner. Vulcan had been running for only seven months (after a six-month trial run in Scotland) and was composed entirely of reprints from an earlier age of boys’ adventure comics. So, while Valiant was gamely attempting to get with the programme – harder-boiled, more complex characters scuh as One-eyed Jack, Soldier Sharp and tykish young footballer Wee Red were introduced as part of the streetwise new wave in both boys’ and girls’ comics – it was landed with a supplement of old-school action, fantasy and adventure just like one’s embarrassing older brother probably read.
The combined comic didn’t last for long. Vulcan was reproduced as an 8-page pull-out and fold-together mini-magazine in Valiant’s centre pages, running 6 stories, each a hastily-edited conclusion to what had been running in Vulcan. The stories were: Mytek the Mighty (which appeared first in Vulcan, 1964-65), Billy’s Boots (Scorcher, 1970), The Spider (Lion, 1965-66), The Trigan Empire (Look and Learn, 1965-70), Kelly’s Eye (Knockout and Valiant, 1962-67) and Robot Archie (Lion, 1968-70). It lasted just three weeks, although the name Vulcan remained an addition to Valiant’s masthead until just two weeks before its own final issue in October 1976.
One-eyes Jack: John Wagner (writer), John Cooper (artist)
Wee Red: Miguel Repetto (artist)
Wee Red: Miguel Repetto (artist)
Wee Red: Miguel Repetto (artist)
Soldier Sharp: Scott Goodall (writer), artist unknown
Billy Bunter: Reg Parlett (artist)
Mytek the Mighty: Tom Tully (writer), Eric Bradbury (artist); The Spider: Jerry Siegel (writer), Reg Bunn (artist); The Trigan Empire: Mike Butterworth (writer), Don Lawrence (artist); Robot Archie: E. George Cowan (writer), Bert Bus (artist)
Mytek the Mighty: Tom Tully (writer), Eric Bradbury (artist); Billy’s Boots: Fred Baker (writer), Mike Western? (artist); Kelly’s Eye: Solano Lopez (artist); The Trigan Empire: Mike Butterworth (writer), Don Lawrence (artist)
Captain Hurricane: Charles Roylance (artist)
Adam Eterno: Solano Lopez (artist)
The Lout that Ruled the Rovers: Felix Carrion (artist)
Death Wish: Ian Gibson (artist)
Death Wish: Ian Gibson (artist)