In this month ... The 31 covers of August
In this month … I’ve decided to ease back a bit on the blog for the rest of the summer – partly because I want a bit of space to think creatively about it and plan for future posts, and partly because it’s the holidays and I want to chill. But it seems a shame to interrupt the ‘On This Day’ posts which I’ve managed to keep going for most of the year so far, so my plan is this:
For the month of August, I’m going to post a front cover each day on Twitter, Facebook and here on the blog. There won’t be an accompanying write-up or scans from the inside pages. No title will be repeated so there will be 31 different comics featured at the end of it, giving a great overview of the whole IPC range in the 1970s and 1980s. I’ll keep adding the covers to this blog post so that it ends up covering the whole month. Please do add any memories or other comments as the month goes by. If enough people seem interested maybe we can run a vote on the favourite August cover at the end.
I may do one or two longer posts in the meantime (there’s one in particular I already have in mind), but that will be separate from this one and won’t interfere with the daily August updates.
Apologies to those following ‘On This Day’ in more detail, and I hope you understand and don’t give up on me. If it helps add a bit of authenticity, think of this as the equivalent of one of the industrial action periods (ee, them terrible strikes of '74, '80 and '84) that saw our comics disappear for several weeks at a time. I promise not to do a Scream! and will return better and stronger. Either that or I’ll merge into one of the better blogs out there written by people far more knowledgeable than me (Blimey!, downthetubes, A Resource on Jinty, Peter Gray’s Comics, Cheeky Weekly, Kazoop!!, Bear Alley or any one of many more – may they satisfy all your comic blogging needs this summer!).
I’d just like to take this opportunity to say thank you for all the corrections to the credits that various of you have provided over the last months (especially Andy Boal, on whom I’ve become reliant on putting me right; I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to tell the difference between Reg Parlett and Arthur Martin, nor Mike Lacey and Jimmy Hansen, nor quite a few others, it seems – to my shame!). I don’t mind being corrected at all – in fact it’s crucial that I am – so please don’t hold back if you spot a mistake.
And finally, thank you to everyone who has followed, subscribed, commented, liked, shared, favourited and (best of all) RETWEETED me. I love to be loved – hey, I love to be just noticed – so every single one of them is really, really appreciated. Happy holidays, pals!
31 August 1974: Valiant and Lion (Mike Western (artist))
30 August 1975: Monster Fun (Creature Teacher: Tom Williams (artist))
29 August 1981: Whoopee! (Smiler: Nick Baker (artist))
28 August 1976: Action
27 August 1977: Roy of the Rovers (David Sque (artist))
26 August 1978: Starlord (Ro-busters: Kevin O'Neill (artist))
25 August 1979: 2000AD and Tornado (Dave Gibbons (artist))
24 August 1974: Shiver and Shake (Frankie Stein: Robert Nixon (artist))
23 August 1980: Speed (Hit and Run: Mike Western (artist), Winner!: Ron Turner (artist), Super Smith: John Gillatt (artist))
22 August 1981: Jinty (Mario Capaldi (artist))
21 August 1971: June and School Friend ('They Call Me a Coward': Leslie Otway (artist))
20 August 1977: Krazy (Mike Lacey (artist))
19 August 1978: Cheeky (Frank McDiarmid (artist))
18 August 1979: Tornado (Storm: Scott Goodall (writer), Cam Kennedy (artist))
17 August 1974: Buster and Cor!! (Uncle Ironsides: Doug Maxted (artist), Buster's Diary: Reg Parlett (artist))
16 August 1975: Tammy and June (John Richardson (artist))
15 August 1970: Tiger (Roy of the Rovers: Yvonne Hutton (artist))
14 August 1971: Knockout (The Super Seven: Mike Lacey (artist))
13 August 1988: Gary Lineker's Hot-Shot (Ian Kennedy? (artist))
12 August 1978: Misty (The Black Widow: Jaume Rumeu (artist))
11 August 1973: Scorcher and Score (Mike Western (artist))
10 August 1985: Whizzer and Chips (Sweeny Toddler: Tom Paterson (artist))
9 August 1975: Lindy
8 August 1986: Oink! (Tony Husband (artist))
7 August 1982: Wow! (Shipwreck School: Mike Lacey (artist))
6 August 1983: Eagle (Dan Dare: Pat Mills (writer), Ian Kennedy (artist))
5 August 1972: Sandie (Lorna's Lonely Days (artist unknown), Brenda's Brownies (artist Mike Brown), Jeannie and her Uncle Meanie (artist Robert MacGillivray))
4 August 1989: Crisis (Third World War: Pat Mills (writer), Sean Phillips (artist))
3 August 1985: Battle Action Force (Johnny Red: Tom Tully (writer), Carlos Pino (artist))
2 August 1980: Jackpot (artist unknown)
1 August 1970: Cor!! (Gus Gorilla: Alf Saporito (artist))