On this day, 15 July 1978: Misty
Cover artwork: Julio Bosch
On this day, 15 July 1978 … I love this cover because we had a hamster a few years ago that looked very similar to this mouse. She was called Luna, her eyes were a bloody red, and she was … well, she was either possessed, clinically insane or the poor victim of some incredibly traumatic incident before we bought her. She was vicious, impossible to hold, and spent her entire life with us trying to chew her way out of her cage. We did our best for her but she died of stress, I think. We did try hard, though, and hopefully won’t face the righteous judgement of the Planet of the Apes-style pet shop owners who imprison two cruel children in the excellent Beasts one-off story in today’s Misty. *Shudders.*
This issue from early in the comic’s run is notable for the inclusion of an episode of The Four Faces of Eve – one of Misty’s classic serials, and one of the two chosen for reprint in the new Rebellion album due to be released in September. The story follows the tortured inner journey of Eve Marshall as she gradually realises that she has no past of her own, but is a composite personality made up of the bodies and memories of three other girls who died at the same time in the same hospital.
Misty introduction: Shirley Bellwood (artist)
The Four Faces of Eve: Malcolm Shaw (writer), Brian Delaney (artist)
The Four Faces of Eve: Malcolm Shaw (writer), Brian Delaney (artist)
Nightmare: A Spell of Trouble: John Richardson (artist)
Journey Into Fear: Mario Capaldi (artist)
Beasts: The Pet Shop: Julio Bosch (artist)
Beasts: The Pet Shop: Julio Bosch (artist)
Beasts: The Pet Shop: Julio Bosch (artist)
Beasts: The Pet Shop: Julio Bosch (artist)
Miss T: Joe Collins (artist)
When the Rain Falls: Eduardo Feito (artist)
When the Rain Falls: Eduardo Feito (artist)
The Black Widow: Honeria Romeu (artist)
The Black Widow: Honeria Romeu (artist)
The Black Widow: Honeria Romeu (artist)