On this day, 30 June 1973: Whizzer and Chips incorporating Knockout
Cover artwork: Mike Lacey
On this day, 30 June 1973 ... There are times when everything changes and then after a short while the new landscape seems as though it's been that way all the time. Some people are happy with the new world order and others feel that the good times are gone for ever. For me, the Whizzer and Chips that I knew and loved as a boy was born 46 years ago in the issue dated 30 June as it 'incorporated' Knockout, bringing in funstars who would become an integral part of the comic's character for many years to come: Joker, Fuss Pot, Pete's Pockets and Sammy Shrink among them. But I've noted from comments and tweets in response to previous posts that pre-Knockout Whizzer and Chips, with a line up pretty unfamiliar to that I grew up with, is considered by some to be the purer, more classic form.
Champ: Colin Whittock (artist)
Boney: Paul White (artist)
Sweet Tooth: Trevor Metcalfe (artist)
Timothy Tester: Cliff Brown (artist)
Sid's Snake: Mike Lacey (artist)
Shiner: Mike Lacey (artist)
Pete's Pockets: Mike Lacey (artist)
The Toffs and the Toughs: Reg Parlett (artist)
Sid's School Smiles free gift booklet: Mike Lacey (artist)
Sid's School Smiles free gift booklet: Mike Lacey (artist)
Harry's Ghost Gags free gift booklet: Mike Lacey (artist)
Harry's Ghost Gags free gift booklet: Mike Lacey (artist)
Hot Dog and Cool Cat: Mike Atwell (artist)
Super Dad: Graham Allen (artist)
Sammy Shrink: Terry Bave (artist)
Smart Alec: Terry Bave (artist)
Fuss Pot: Norman Mansbridge (artist)
Trip to Terror: artist unknown
Trip to Terror: artist unknown
The Super Seven: Mike Lacey (artist)
Joker: Sid Burgon (artist)