On this day, 12 April 1980: Speed
Cover artwork: Ron Turner (artist)
On this day, 12 April 1980 ... On my wall I've got a framed copy of one of each of the comics I subscribed to as a kid, and so there's currently a spooky-looking empty one while I read and write a few thoughts about this issue of Speed, with its gorgeous alien-hued Ron Turner cover. As I've said before, Journey to the Stars was one of my all-time favourite stories and it was this sort of imagery that really appealed to my imagination back then.
My son James just came up and had a half-interested look through the comic. He was particularly tickled at the thought of me - not especially dynamic as dads go - enjoying a comic devoted to speed. I wasn't especially active nor interested in travelling at great velocities at the age of nine either, but it wasn't really the theme of the comic that appealed to me - rather it was the strong line-up of stories, most of which had a good sense of quest and challenge.
Recently I've moaned a bit about the latter years of Death Wish, the story of Blake Edwards, a man who wore an emotionless mask to hide his crash-disfigured face and sought ever-more dangerous stunts in the hope that one might end his life, which I felt lost its way by taking a supernatural horror turn in its Tiger and Eagle years. But this is one of Blake's earliest stories - gritty and rooted in the physical world - and a great example of what was originally one of IPC's great creations.
Baker's Half-dozen: Mike Western (artist)
Topps on Two Wheels: Osvaldo Torta? (artist)
Journey to the Stars: Ron Turner (artist)
Death Wish: Eduardo Vanyo (artist)
Death Wish: Eduardo Vanyo (artist)
The £1,000,000 Challenge: Carlos Pino (artist)
The Fastest Footballer on Earth: Eduardo Vanyo (artist)
Speedboy: Mike White (artist)
Quick on the Draw: John Gillatt (artist)