On this day, 7 February 1987: 2000AD (Prog 508)
Cover artwork: Brett Ewins and Jim McCarthy
On this day, 7 February 1987 … on the face of it this may not be the most significant prog from the hallowed archives of 2000AD, but the fact that every one of its five strips – Bad Company, Ulysses Sweet, Judge Dredd, Slaine, Strontium Dog – is still a part of the comic’s contemporary roster (nearly 30 years later) is testament to its quality. The list of writers and artists – Milligan, Ewins, McCarthy, Morrison, MacNeil, Wagner, Grant, Mills, Fabry, Kennedy, Ezquerra – is about as zarjaz as they come, but I think that’s going to be true of just about every issue of 2000AD that I write about here.
Bad Company: Pete Milligan (writer), Brett Ewins and Jim McCarthy (artists)
Bad Company: Pete Milligan (writer), Brett Ewins and Jim McCarthy (artists)
Ulysses Sweet: Fruitcake and Veg!: Grant Morrison (writer), Colin MacNeil (artist)
Judge Dredd: The Taxidermist: John Wagner and Alan Grant (writers), Cam Kennedy and Mark Farmer (artists)
Judge Dredd: The Taxidermist: John Wagner and Alan Grant (writers), Cam Kennedy and Mark Farmer (artists)
Slaine: The King: Pat Mills (writer), Glenn Fabry (artist)
Slaine: The King: Pat Mills (writer), Glenn Fabry (artist)
Strontium Dog: Bitch: Alan Grant (writer), Carlos Ezquerra (artist)
Strontium Dog: Bitch: Alan Grant (writer), Carlos Ezquerra (artist)
A Mega-City Primer: Robin Smith (artist)