On this day, 21 February 1987: Whizzer and Chips
Cover artwork: Sid Burgon
Whizzer and Chips, in the mid-1970s, was my first proper comic, and naturally my memories of it are tied to that incarnation so it’s odd to read an issue from 1987. Only a few of my W&C chums are still in there – Sid and Slippy, Shiner, Sweet Tooth, Lazy Bones, Odd Ball and Sammy Shrink, plus Joker but he’s on the front cover rather than on the back where I remember him – and a few other old pals who I knew from other comics but have since been merged in – Toy Boy, Mustapha Million, Creepy Comix, Bumpkin Billionaires and Sweeny Toddler. Great to see them all of course, but it’s all very strange, like returning home to find all one’s friends from different schools and places I've lived and worked have met up there and are getting on just fine without me.
Joker: Sid Burgon (artist)
Cartoons by Roy Mitchell (Mitch)
Toy Boy: Terry Bave (artist)
Lazy Bones: Bob Hill (artist)
Winnie the Royal Nag: Ian Knox (artist)
Sweet Tooth: Trevor Metcalfe (artist)
Shiner: Jimmy Hansen (artist)
Mustapha Million: Barry Glennard (artist)
Cartoons by Roy Mitchell (Mitch)
Junior Rotter: Trevor Metcalfe (artist)
Bottom: Nigel Edwards (artist)
Creepy Comix: Reg Parlett (artist)
Town Tarzan: Trevor Metcalfe (artist)
Odd Ball: Terry Bave (artist)
Whizz-kids v Chip-ites: Jack Edward Oliver (artist)
Memory Banks: Mark Bennington (artist)
Bumpkin Billionaires: Mike Lacey (artist)
Sweeny Toddler: Tom Paterson (artist)