On this day, 13 February 1982: Tammy and Jinty
Cover artwork: John Armstrong
On this day, 13 February 1982 … Bella has to prove to the juvenile magistrates that she is the Bella Barlow, homeless gymnast superstar, chemically-contaminated Beth Harris must protect Sammy, her Danger Dog, orphan Katy is haunted by her foster parents’ dead daughter in The Shadow of Sherry Brown, Nanny Young has to fend off an interfering aunt with a liking for corporal punishment as she takes charge of four children living in a windmill, Sandy Rawlings starts a petition against her dad to gain the favour of her classmates and win back her boyfriend Paul.
Bella: Primrose Cumming (writer), John Armstrong (artist)
Danger Dog: Julio Bosch (artist)
Danger Dog: Julio Bosch (artist)
Pam of Pond Hill: Jay Over (writer), Bob Harvey (artist)
Pam of Pond Hill: Jay Over (writer), Bob Harvey (artist)
The Crayzees: Joe Collins (artist)
The Shadow of Sherry Brown: Maria Barrera (artist)
Little Sisters: Mario Capaldi (writer)
A Strange Story: Message in a Bottle: Hugo D’Adderio (artist)
A Strange Story: Message in a Bottle: Hugo D’Adderio (artist)
Nanny Young: Phil Gascoine (artist)
Monster Tales: Stones of Light: creators unknown, possible reprint?
Sandy – A Fresh Start: Juliana Buch (artist)
Sandy – A Fresh Start: Juliana Buch (artist)