On this day, 18 November 1978: Misty
Cover artwork: Eduardo Feito
On this day, 18 November 1978 … This issue of Misty marks the beginning of one of its greatest stories, Hush, Hush, Sweet Rachel by Pat Mills and Eduardo Feito. Just as Pat’s Moonchild was based on Carrie, Hush, Hush, Sweet Rachel was inspired by Audrey Rose, the 1975 novel by Frank de Felitta and 1977 movie starring Anthony Hopkins. It’s a slow-burning, haunting story that explores ideas of reincarnation and possession, as schoolgirl Lisa Harvey starts to notice that she is being followed by a mysterious woman. The stranger later claims that Lisa is the reincarnation of her younger, deceased daughter; at the same time, Rachel enters spells of talking an acting like a child.
Two other serials end in this issue – End of the Line … (a gothic adventure set in a forgotten, Victorian city beneath the London Underground) and the two-part The Haunting of Hazel Brown (a young woman is terrorised by an animated glove) – and there’s a full-page trailer for the forthcoming Whistle and I’ll Come … another memorable Misty tale about a girl with a ghost dog,to be drawn by Mario Capaldi. Costume haunted house story Midnight Masquerader continues while Sea Demon and Voices in the Wind are this week’s one-off spooky fables.
Thank you Julia Round, for the provision of credits in her Misty database.
Misty Introduction: Shirley Bellwood (artist)
Hush, Hush, Sweet Rachel: Pat Mills (writer), Eduardo Feito (artist)
Hush, Hush, Sweet Rachel: Pat Mills (writer), Eduardo Feito (artist)
Hush, Hush, Sweet Rachel: Pat Mills (writer), Eduardo Feito (artist)
Hush, Hush, Sweet Rachel: Pat Mills (writer), Eduardo Feito (artist)
Hush, Hush, Sweet Rachel: Pat Mills (writer), Eduardo Feito (artist)
Sea Demon: Martin Puigagut (artist)
Sea Demon: Martin Puigagut (artist)
End of the Line …: John Richardson (artist)
End of the Line …: John Richardson (artist)
The Haunting of Hazel Brown: Jaime Rumeu (artist)
The Haunting of Hazel Brown: Jaime Rumeu (artist)
The Haunting of Hazel Brown: Jaime Rumeu (artist)
Midnight Masquerader: Brian Delaney (artist)
Midnight Masquerader: Brian Delaney (artist)
Voices in the Wind: Maria Barrera Gesali (artist)
Voices in the Wind: Maria Barrera Gesali (artist)
Voices in the Wind: Maria Barrera Gesali (artist)