On this day, 4 February 1978: Misty
Cover artwork: Maria Barrera
On this day, 4 February 1978 ... nearly two years before it was merged into Tammy, Misty appeared for the first time. It was launched as a 'mystery' comic rather than with the 'horror' or 'supernatural' tags with which it is commonly remembered (although they were a significant part of the mix).
Four serials began in this launch issue - The Cult of the Cat, The Sentinels, Paint it Black and Moonchild - each with a fantastic, single-image opening page. The three standalone stories - Moodstone, Nightmare: Roots and Beasts: Red Knee White Terror - are all also superbly designed, and it is the artwork as much as the stories that make this issue so re-readable.
MIsty editorial: Shirley Bellwood (artist)
The Cult of the Cat: Honiera Romeu (artist)
The Cult of the Cat: Honiera Romeu (artist)
The Sentinels: Malcolm Shaw (writer), Mario Capaldi (artist)
The Sentinels: Malcolm Shaw (writer), Mario Capaldi (artist)
Paint it Black: Pat Mills (writer), Brian Delaney (artist)
Paint it Black: Pat Mills (writer), Brian Delaney (artist)
Moodstone: Ken Houghton (artist)
Nightmare: Roots: Pat Mills (writer), Maria Barrera (artist)
Nightmare: Roots: Pat Mills (writer), Maria Barrera (artist)
Moonchild: Pat Mills (writer), John Armstrong (artist)
Moonchild: Pat Mills (writer), John Armstrong (artist)
Miss T: Joe Collins (artist)
Beasts: Red Knee White Terror: John Richardson (artist)
Moodstone: Ken Houghton (artist)