On this day: Vulcan, 17 January 1976
Bert Bus (artist)
On this day, 17 January 1976 ... Vulcan was a compact comic of fantastical heroes and anti-heroes from the 1960s, reprinted and in some instances colourised, and represented IPC's small stake in the British market for superhero comics.
Although they are not original comics and the artwork appears to have deteriorated a bit through reproduction, some of these panels and pages are still terrific to see. The sheer audacity of the giant Jesse James (an alien shapeshifter battling mysterious villain-turned-crimefighter the Spider), the epic African vistas that were home to Tarzan-clone Saber, and the awesome power of Kelly's Eye's enormous, out-of-control porcupine tank place Vulcan - in visual terms - a notch above anything else published by IPC comics at this time (pre-2000AD).
Mytek the Mighty: Tom Tully (writer), Eric Bradbury (artist); reprinted from Valiant
The Spider: Jerry Siegel (writer), Reg Bunn (artist); reprinted from Lion
The Spider: Jerry Siegel (writer), Reg Bunn (artist); reprinted from Lion
Saber: Dennis McCloughlin (artist); reprinted from Tiger
Saber: Dennis McCloughlin (artist); reprinted from Tiger
The Trigan Empire: Mike Butterworth (writer), Don Lawrence (artist); reprinted from Look and Learn
The Trigan Empire: Mike Butterworth (writer), Don Lawrence (artist); reprinted from Look and Learn
The Steel Claw: Tom Tully (writer), Jesus Blasco (artist); reprinted from Valiant
Kelly's Eye: Solano Lopez (artist); reprinted from Valiant
Kelly's Eye: Solano Lopez (artist); reprinted from Valiant
Robot Archie: E George Cowan (writer), Bert Bus (artist); reprinted from Lion
Robot Archie: E George Cowan (writer), Bert Bus (artist); reprinted from Lion